The Night Evil Came Home
I saw little of KISS after that moment on the playground in 1981. By the time I had entered high school my feet were planted firmly in ‘guitar’ driven hard rock. I touched all the major bases. Boston, Metallica, Motley Crue, Whitesnake, but most of all I loved Van Halen. I spent my math class afternoons dreaming of the day I could purchase my very own Kramer guitar. I wanted to be the next guitar hero. I lacked only two things, the patience to practice, and the talent to learn.
The music scene by the fall of my freshman year had begun to grow somewhat dull. Nikki Sixx had just overdosed, so Motley had all but disappeared from the pages of Metal Edge. Rock radio was becoming inundated with carbon copy hair rockers like Tuff, Firehouse and Slaughter. All the while, my one and only hero, Mr. Edward Van Halen was finding himself smiling on the covers of Keyboard Magazine. The one place I never expected to find the guitar God who had electrified my pre-teen years.
Luckily I found solace in my social life, or the lack thereof. That year I had began to hang out with two guys from the neighborhood who were both older and wiser than myself. Danny, the ringleader of the bunch who had graduated two years earlier, and Brett, my next-door neighbor, whom at the time, was currently a junior. Danny and Brett enjoyed all of the same outlets to which I took pleasure in. Together we loved gory horror flicks, cheap Mexican food, hair metal bands, and gathering in Brett’s basement for hours on end, stuffing our faces in front of the boob tube.
The sweetest plus of my newly found gang was our transportation. Danny owned a 1981 metallic blue Camaro. It was fast, loud, and had a killer cassette deck. That may sound a little cheesy now, and I’m sure we looked like a couple of dorks, cruising down the belt, our hair blowing in the wind, but you have to realize…in 1988, this was not a bad car to be seen in on weekend nights. Not bad at all.
Now, I mention weekends like we were hitting the town, cruising for chicks, and living the high life. It was hardly that satisfying. We were nerds. We knew it, and we coped the only way we knew how. We simply made our own fun. It may have not seemed like a lot, but it was ours. It was pure. It was entertaining. It was our escape.
Saturday nights became our special night, because that was the one night of the weekend, guaranteed to always end with a bang. For that was the night that teenage metal heads around the world could find their fix on MTV’s, “Headbangers Ball”. The one night of the week guaranteed to find Danny and myself, housed up in Brett’s recreation room.
Brett’s house was the perfect getaway for an angst-ridden teen in love with music. His basement was dark and cozy, and seemed to be miles away from his parents. Every Saturday night, Danny and I would make our entrance, stopping to make small talk with his Dad, while Brett changed his clothes. Brett’s mom would be sitting at the kitchen table, cigarette in one hand, phone receiver in the other, normally wearing silky pajamas. This wasn’t always such a bad thing either. In the days before “Stacey’s Mom” or ‘MILF Hunters’, there was no other description…except that, it was safe to say, Brett’s mom was hot. Danny and I would stand nervously in the family room, glancing back and forth at his mom, like two kids cheating on the SAT’s, until Brett finally made his appearance and we could make our way downstairs. A Saturday night ritual, held like clockwork…every weekend.
Brett’s basement housed everything a young kid needed for his escape from the real world and high school life. From its deep wood paneling, to the orange shag carpeting, with a fully stocked bar on one end and a play-pit sofa couch on the other, a man could find all of the necessities of home. A television, a VCR, a stereo, a refrigerator full of Pepsi’s, and if ever the mood should strike you, a videotape cabinet full of porn. Glory, glory, halleluiah.
The rest of my story takes place within the walls of this basement, or at least finds it origins there. It’s the one place I always return to in my mind, every time I hear a cut from DYNASTY or see a live clip from the 77’ Tour. It probably closely resembles the basement, garage, or bedroom in which you first discovered rock and roll. It’s the sweet little memory nestled in the back of your mind. The one you go to when things get rough and you find yourself needing that escape.
I could easily pinpoint one major event that lead to my fascination with KISS, but like most things in life, it has little to do with one event and more to do with the process as a whole. I learned everything I know about KISS from Danny, and the beginnings of that lesson were taught to me in Brett’s basement watching KISS – EXPOSED. I have toyed with the idea starting this site with a review of EXPOSED, since that semi-served as the genesis, but then I would find myself, bumbling around attempting to pick up the pieces. So, as you have it, I’m starting from the beginning. I’m staring with KISS, released in 1974 and working my way to the present day. I was born the year the first KISS album was released, and didn’t purchase my first KISS album until SMASHES, THRASHES AND HITS. Never the less, the experience changed my life, as I’m sure it changed yours. That, my friends, is why I want to share it.
What is my purpose here you ask…boredom, entertainment maybe nostalgia? It could be any one of those. Perhaps all three. What we have here is a common link, a love for one of the all time greatest rock and roll bands in America. We came here in different ways. However we all share that same experience, of that one magical moment. The night that evil crept into our bedrooms, and seductively swept us away.
The music scene by the fall of my freshman year had begun to grow somewhat dull. Nikki Sixx had just overdosed, so Motley had all but disappeared from the pages of Metal Edge. Rock radio was becoming inundated with carbon copy hair rockers like Tuff, Firehouse and Slaughter. All the while, my one and only hero, Mr. Edward Van Halen was finding himself smiling on the covers of Keyboard Magazine. The one place I never expected to find the guitar God who had electrified my pre-teen years.
Luckily I found solace in my social life, or the lack thereof. That year I had began to hang out with two guys from the neighborhood who were both older and wiser than myself. Danny, the ringleader of the bunch who had graduated two years earlier, and Brett, my next-door neighbor, whom at the time, was currently a junior. Danny and Brett enjoyed all of the same outlets to which I took pleasure in. Together we loved gory horror flicks, cheap Mexican food, hair metal bands, and gathering in Brett’s basement for hours on end, stuffing our faces in front of the boob tube.
The sweetest plus of my newly found gang was our transportation. Danny owned a 1981 metallic blue Camaro. It was fast, loud, and had a killer cassette deck. That may sound a little cheesy now, and I’m sure we looked like a couple of dorks, cruising down the belt, our hair blowing in the wind, but you have to realize…in 1988, this was not a bad car to be seen in on weekend nights. Not bad at all.
Now, I mention weekends like we were hitting the town, cruising for chicks, and living the high life. It was hardly that satisfying. We were nerds. We knew it, and we coped the only way we knew how. We simply made our own fun. It may have not seemed like a lot, but it was ours. It was pure. It was entertaining. It was our escape.
Saturday nights became our special night, because that was the one night of the weekend, guaranteed to always end with a bang. For that was the night that teenage metal heads around the world could find their fix on MTV’s, “Headbangers Ball”. The one night of the week guaranteed to find Danny and myself, housed up in Brett’s recreation room.
Brett’s house was the perfect getaway for an angst-ridden teen in love with music. His basement was dark and cozy, and seemed to be miles away from his parents. Every Saturday night, Danny and I would make our entrance, stopping to make small talk with his Dad, while Brett changed his clothes. Brett’s mom would be sitting at the kitchen table, cigarette in one hand, phone receiver in the other, normally wearing silky pajamas. This wasn’t always such a bad thing either. In the days before “Stacey’s Mom” or ‘MILF Hunters’, there was no other description…except that, it was safe to say, Brett’s mom was hot. Danny and I would stand nervously in the family room, glancing back and forth at his mom, like two kids cheating on the SAT’s, until Brett finally made his appearance and we could make our way downstairs. A Saturday night ritual, held like clockwork…every weekend.
Brett’s basement housed everything a young kid needed for his escape from the real world and high school life. From its deep wood paneling, to the orange shag carpeting, with a fully stocked bar on one end and a play-pit sofa couch on the other, a man could find all of the necessities of home. A television, a VCR, a stereo, a refrigerator full of Pepsi’s, and if ever the mood should strike you, a videotape cabinet full of porn. Glory, glory, halleluiah.
The rest of my story takes place within the walls of this basement, or at least finds it origins there. It’s the one place I always return to in my mind, every time I hear a cut from DYNASTY or see a live clip from the 77’ Tour. It probably closely resembles the basement, garage, or bedroom in which you first discovered rock and roll. It’s the sweet little memory nestled in the back of your mind. The one you go to when things get rough and you find yourself needing that escape.
I could easily pinpoint one major event that lead to my fascination with KISS, but like most things in life, it has little to do with one event and more to do with the process as a whole. I learned everything I know about KISS from Danny, and the beginnings of that lesson were taught to me in Brett’s basement watching KISS – EXPOSED. I have toyed with the idea starting this site with a review of EXPOSED, since that semi-served as the genesis, but then I would find myself, bumbling around attempting to pick up the pieces. So, as you have it, I’m starting from the beginning. I’m staring with KISS, released in 1974 and working my way to the present day. I was born the year the first KISS album was released, and didn’t purchase my first KISS album until SMASHES, THRASHES AND HITS. Never the less, the experience changed my life, as I’m sure it changed yours. That, my friends, is why I want to share it.
What is my purpose here you ask…boredom, entertainment maybe nostalgia? It could be any one of those. Perhaps all three. What we have here is a common link, a love for one of the all time greatest rock and roll bands in America. We came here in different ways. However we all share that same experience, of that one magical moment. The night that evil crept into our bedrooms, and seductively swept us away.